Wichita Falls Attorneys for EMTALA Representation

Wichita Falls Attorneys for EMTALA Representation

Texas Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act Lawyers

If your visit to a Texas hospital’s emergency room resulted in your being “dumped” as a patient because you were without medical insurance — and you could not pay for treatment at another hospital — you may be able to pursue legal action against the hospital for its EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) violation.

And our lawyers will pursue justice for you, just as we have for a broad range of medical negligence, personal injury and wrongful death victims in north Texas.

We are the attorneys of Banner, Briley & White in Wichita Falls. We use our legal skills and client commitment to work for a better world, one case at a time. Our personal injury and medical malpractice law firm was founded on the concept of the legal profession as a helping profession – helping people victimized by the neglect, carelessness and abuse of others.

EMTALA law in Texas requires hospitals to provide a medical examination to any patient who enters its emergency room. If you have an emergency medical condition or are an expectant mother in active labor, the hospital must treat you with available staff and facilities. If the hospital is unable to do so, your condition must be stabilized before you are transferred to another hospital that has space for you, qualified staff on hand to treat you, and agrees to your transfer to its facility.

When a hospital in Greater Wichita Falls or north Texas violates EMTALA law, and you or a family member is victimized by a failure to treat, please report this to our Banner, Briley & White law offices immediately.

Our toll-free number is 866-492-9554. We will respond promptly to your e-mail or fax message.

Working to Build a Better World, One Case at a Time

Hospitals can violate EMTALA by inadequately screening a patient and failing to detect his or her illness or injury; and by failure to stabilize a patient before transfer or release.

EMTALA violations can result in civil penalties against the hospital and the doctor who approved a patient’s transfer, or refused treatment. Patients caught in the middle of these situations can bring an action against the hospital, and possibly against the physician. Some jurisdictions do not recognize a private cause of action against doctors.

Hospital emergency rooms are required by law to adhere to a standard of care, including fidelity to the requirements of EMTALA. The practice of dumping patients on other hospitals is illegal. Protect your rights, starting today, by notifying our Banner, Briley & White law firm if the injury or illness for which you sought treatment was overlooked by emergency room administration for insurance purposes.

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