Are You Looking For A Good Lawyer?

Find A Good Lawyer

Ask prospective lawyers for packets and literature regarding car accident cases. During your initial round of calls to prospective attorneys ask for introductory materials. Experienced and organized lawyers will have these items available. Ask if the materials can be mailed to you. Spend time comparing and contrasting these items. It is a huge benefit to review this information away from attorneys clamoring for your business.accident lawyers

Ask for promises in writing.
You will likely hear all sorts of promises from receptionists, paralegals, and attorneys. These promises mean absolutely nothing until you get them in writing. Additionally, once you have a written document from the prospective attorney, read over it. Study it. Make sure you really understand the agreement.

Choose an attorney who is a leader.
Many successful attorneys and lawyers will write and lecture in their area of expertise. Ask prospective lawyers if they write papers or give presentations on car accidents and the legal processes. more on this website

Get an idea of how your case will be handled from start to finish.

Ask, “Please give me an outline of how you will handle my case.” Then compare the various outlines from attorneys competing for your business. (Look for outlines that are detailed)

Ask prospective attorneys how you will be updated on your case.
Ask prospective lawyers how often and in what format they will be in touch with you throughout your case.
It can be enormously frustrating to be left in the dark for long periods of time. It can be even more frustrating to have a receptionist repeatedly state, “He’s in a meeting and unavailable at the present time”.

Find out if your lawyer has any connections with any insurance company.
Ask, “what type of affiliations do you have with the insurance industry?” You want someone who is completely fighting with you against the insurance companies. Believe it or not, some attorneys do find themselves in situations with potential conflicts of interest.

Be aware of lawyers who claim to be a member of a particular bar association such as the American Bar Association.
This sounds prestigious, but in actuality, anyone can join if they fill out a form and pay a fee.

Free consultation.
Practically every car accident attorney will offer this. They want you to walk in the door and a free initial visit is common. This is not an earth-shattering claim. If you find potential attorneys heavily pushing and advertising this, then be aware. They either do not have much to offer, or they are simply trying very hard to get you to come into their office.

Educate yourself.
Spend some extra time online and at the book store. You have a lot at stake. The more you know about your type of case and the legal process the better off you will be. Most car accident books designed for the general public are short and get to the point.

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