Slip and Fall

Wichita Falls Slip-and-Fall Accident Attorneys

Texas Slip-and-Fall Injury Lawyers Fight for the Financial Compensation You Need

Did you slip or trip and suffer serious injury in an accident on unsafe property in north Texas?

Did negligence by a property owner, property manager or landlord led to your injury accident?

You may qualify for full financial compensation for every expense that your accident injury has cost you — physical, financial and emotional. And the lawyers at Banner, Briley & White are here to help.

Our personal injury and wrongful death lawyers have provided quality representation for ailing individuals and families throughout the region, in and out of court.

Repercussions of a slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall injury may not be felt for months or years. They can resurface and worsen, restrict your movements and make you uncomfortable for the rest of your life. When you begin to feel physical pain from your fall, and the financial pain of health care expenses related to it, contact our Wichita Falls attorneys at Banner, Briley & White.

When you call us at 866-492-9554, toll free, you will always speak to someone who cares about your legal, medical and financial well-being, and sincerely wants to help. Our view of the legal profession as a helping profession makes us a different kind of law firm.

We can also be reached by e-mail or fax. Overnight messages are promptly returned. If your injury prevents you from coming to us, we are glad to come to you.

Banner, Briley & White Holds Negligent Property Owners Accountable in Court

Timing is important in reporting and filing a personal injury claim. You do not want a statute of limitations to limit your ability to file. Speak with one of our experienced accident injury attorneys immediately if you were hurt because of a/an:

Slip-and-Fall Accident Attorneys

  • Slip-and-fall
  • Trip-and-fall
  • Slick, damp or wet floor
  • Icy walkway
  • Lack of proper hazard warnings
  • Malfunctioning or defective elevator or escalator
  • Poorly maintained stairway or stairwell

Whether your painful slip-and-fall accident injury occurred in a grocery store, shopping mall, restaurant, apartment, office or private residence, our client-focused approach and proven legal skills are designed to achieve maximum financial compensation for you and your family. You may be entitled to a monetary award that reflects the impact of ongoing medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional trauma.