Experienced Trial Lawyers Show You How to Prepare for Testimony
When civil, commercial or probate litigation interrupts your life and work routine, and the stakes are too high to accept anything less than a positive outcome, you need the proven legal leadership of Texas trial attorneys who emphasize on witness preparation.
Our witness preparation practice at Banner, Briley & White in Wichita Falls, is a personal service asset for our litigation clients that serves an important legal function, and can work to your advantage at trial. Our attorneys want your witnesses to be able to offer credible, compelling statements during depositions, and that resonate with juries.
We employ a trial consultant who prepares potential witnesses for litigation involving personal injury claims from motor vehicle accidents; product liability claims; property accident injury; nursing home abuse and neglect; medical malpractice and EMTALA violations cases; catastrophic injuries stemming from any accident caused by negligence; real estate disputes; business disputes; high net worth divorce and probate matters.
Contact us in Wichita Falls for sound guidance in the witness preparation phase of your upcoming trial. We can help. Call Banner, Briley & White toll free at 866-492-9554.
Banner, Briley & White— Effective Witness Preparation for Critical Court Cases
Success or failure at witness preparation can mean the difference between winning and losing a case. It is basically the process of judging witnesses on credibility, accuracy of memory, command of talking points, likeable personality type and mental agility. We encourage witnesses to be secure in their knowledge of their role in a legal matter, ready for any change of direction in a line of questioning and the ability to appear trustworthy to jurors.
When a courtroom resolution is the difference between business profit and loss, ownership of a family inheritance or the solution to a real estate boundary dispute, your witnesses should know what they are talking about. You can have complete confidence in our witness preparation practice at Banner, Briley & White – serving people like you, with families and commercial interests like yours.